
The Monospace Web

Shankar Murralitharan
3 min


I came across an interesting post in hacker news that piqued my attention, titled “The Monospace web”. It is a self explanatory blog post where the author Oskar Wickström wrote about how he created a webpage with monospace font and aligned to a grid.

It was a beautiful piece of work and I wanted to create my own blog using the design. I have only used hugo and jekyll SSG and since hugo was the popular of the two I decided to go with it.

I created this Monolog theme for Hugo SSG. I named it monolog since its meaning rang true to the inteded use for the theme in my personal blog where I rant about whatever I want. Also the word has “mono” in it, as in monospace.

So in this post I am gonna showcase the styling ability of the theme. Check out the source code for this blog at

The Basics

The post is made entirely of markdown with shortcodes for elements or styling not supported by markdown

Look at this horizontal break using shortcode :

Lovely. We can hide stuff in the <details> element.

A short summary of contents

This is the detail behind the summary.

This is a plain old bulleted list:

Ordered lists look pretty much as you’d expect:

  1. Goals
  2. Motivations
    1. Intrinsic
    2. Extrinsic
  3. Second-order effects

It’s nice to visualize trees. This is a regular unordered list with a tree class:

Code block

Code blocks are automatically highlighted thanks to hugo using chroma. We just have to provide the language used.

1const std = @import("std");
3pub fn main() void {
4    std.debug.print("hello world !!\n", .{});

or if we require filename for the the codeblock we can use file shortcode like this:


1#include <stdio.h>
2int main() {
3   // printf() displays the string inside quotation
4   printf("Hello, World!");
5   return 0;


If we need to show some commandline output we can make use of the output shortcode.

$ brew update
==> Updating Homebrew...
Already up-to-date.
$ su -

ASCII Drawings

We can draw in <pre> tags using box-drawing characters:


To have it stand out a bit more, we can wrap it in a <figure> tag, and why not also add a <figcaption>.

┌───────┐ ┌───────┐ ┌───────┐
│Actor 1│ │Actor 2│ │Actor 3│
└───┬───┘ └───┬───┘ └───┬───┘
    │         │         │
    │         │  msg 1  │
    │         │────────►│
    │         │         │
    │  msg 2  │         │
    │────────►│         │
┌───┴───┐ ┌───┴───┐ ┌───┴───┐
│Actor 1│ │Actor 2│ │Actor 3│
└───────┘ └───────┘ └───────┘
Example: Message passing.

Let’s go wild and draw a chart!

                      Things I Have

    │                                     ████ Usable
15  │
    │                                     ░░░░ Broken
12  │             ░
    │             ░
    │   ░         ░
 9  │   ░         ░
    │   ░         ░
    │   ░         ░                    ░
 6  │   █         ░         ░          ░
    │   █         ░         ░          ░
    │   █         ░         █          ░
 3  │   █         █         █          ░
    │   █         █         █          ░
    │   █         █         █          ░
 0  └───▀─────────▀─────────▀──────────▀─────────────
      Socks     Jeans     Shirts   USB Drives


Media objects are supported, like images and video:

Hilary Rhoda
Hey its my favourite model Hilary Rhoda!!
The Center of the Web (1914), Wikimedia


If you are wondering what color scheme I am using, its catppuccin latte for light scheme and catppuccin mocha for dark scheme That is all for now folks. As I work futher on the theme ill update this post to showcase more elements.

I thank Oskar Wickström for kindling my interest in monospace web.